EliWest   03-18-2021, 10:27 AM
Hello to all!

Everyone’s struggle starts differently. Mine just happened to be as a little kid trying to straddle the toilet seat backwards in a pair of white tights while my knees wrapped themselves around the toilet bowl until I was a not so poised, three and a half foot tall, primed human slingshot. Hey, all I knew was that boys’ feet faced the wall when they peed. Life is hard, ok?

I am new to this forum, but this is the year I have decided to take care of myself both mentally and physically. This includes finally getting top surgery. I know that most people don’t have a dollar to spare, but if anyone does, and wouldn’t mind donating it, you have no idea how grateful I truly am. My insurance does not cover any gender confirmation surgery so I am paying completely out of pocket. I am including the link for my crowdfunding thingy in hopes that if even you are unable to contribute, I would be so SO grateful if you wouldn’t mind sharing the link across any social media access you may have. I have a neurological condition that makes it difficult to use my hands and arms, even with things like holding a phone, using a tablet, or computer. Voice to text helps, but that only does so much! So my social media access is a bit limited as I am unable to use it very much. Any (ANY) help, even just passing the link on would be an amazing thing and deeply appreciated. If you send me a message with your own crowd funding link I will share it as well! The link is below! Thank you for anyone who does not mind sharing!!! Best of the best to you all!

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This post was last modified: 03-18-2021, 10:30 AM by EliWest. Edit Reason: Add personal story
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