If there's a new post in this forum, please check it out, it's important.
Participation in the FTMsurgery.net Support Forums constitutes agreement to the following guidelines, please read before posting.
This is the place to talk about FTM top surgery, including the double incision, keyhole and peri-areolar procedures, surgeons, costs, surgery preparation, healing and complications, and more.
Discuss hysterectomy surgery, including procedures, surgeons, surgery preparation, healing and complications, effects on hormones, costs and more.
This is a forum for all discussions around metoidioplasty and related procedures, such as urethroplasty, scrotoplasty, and mons resection. Discuss surgical methods, surgeons, costs, surgery preparation, healing and complications, enlargement techniques, and post-op life.
Post here to talk about phalloplasty and related procedures, such as urethroplasty, vaginectomy, scrotoplasty, glansplasty and erectile implants. Discuss surgical methods, surgeons, costs, surgery preparation, healing and complications, and post-op life.
Questions and comments about other plastic surgeries for trans men go in this forum. Discuss body sculpting, facial masculinization, and other FTM procedures here.
Discuss surgery financing options here, from US health insurance, NHS, and Canadian provincial coverage, to creative fund raising, credit & loans, and surgery funding contests.
This is the forum to ask and answer questions about surgery travel arrangements. Discuss everything from where to go, how to get there, where to stay and what to bring.
New to FTMsurgery.net? Come in here and introduce yourself to everyone.
If you're keeping a blog about your surgery experience, please post the link here.
Have a favorite surgery related resource? Share the link here!
Have a binder you longer need? Or, maybe some clothes that don't fit, books you've read, or something else you'd like to pass on to another trans guy? This is the forum to post free giveaways to swap with other forum members.
If it's not about FTM surgery, it belongs here! Anything and all, post about your favorite band, your school, work or whatever.
Our members have made a total of 1,442 posts in 590 threads.
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Please welcome our newest member, wigmedical
The most users online at one time was 571 on 12-24-2022 at 12:44 AM