I am from alaska. I am a blue collar worker. I am from alaska and looking to get Metoidioplasty.
I have 5 letters from different health care professionals diagnosing me with GID. three of which state i need metiodiplasty for my mental health, and have been looked over by four different surgeons. I have had consultations with four different surgeons so far all say I am a great/perfect candidate for Metoidioplasty.
only two problems, they want me to get a hystorectomy before I get metiodiplasty and not at the same time, and, I cant get coverage. I spent weeks phonecall after phonecall trying to find out what insurance plan will cover (I am shopping independently) and they all said the same thing: "we cant tell you until you sign up" The blue cross blue shield plan is $600-$1,000 a month and dosnt go towards a $15,000 deductible! That's IF they will MAYBE cover a PORTION of it. (I am 100% healthy and have no other need for insurance thats why i share it with a partner)
A specialist for blue cross blue shield told me "We cant tell you also you dont want to do this buddy" THE BROKER ADVISED ME NOT TO GET INSURANCE. Currently I have EBMS through my legal spouse's work, but EBMS dosnt cover gender affirming care. I would pay for the metiodioplasty out of pocket, but with the hysto its too expensive out of pocket.
So I am looking at surgeons in thailand and mexico and Europe. I dont know what else to do. Am I too healthy!?!??! I have been living as a man for all of my entire life. I have never identified as a woman or lived as one. I am 100% healthy and fit and dont need a hystorectomy for any other reason other than i NEED to have one for metiodioplasty. I spent $700 seeing a gyno in alaska who told me "youre healthy, you shouldnt be here" too healthy for a hysto, but need a hysto to get bottom surgery. I dont know who to talk to, the doctor, the gyno, the surgeon, the insurance broker, or someone not in america. I can travel, I dont have kids or pets. I only got married to my best friend have insurance and its fucked me over.
I dont know what else to do but leave state to washington or arizona or california, and then leave the country. leaving everyone I love behind just to have this done.
Running out of ideas and patience. Please help.
This website has helped alot so far.
-Thank you
This post was last modified: 04-19-2023, 02:30 PM by Joshua.